Annual Fleet Operations Procedures

Fleet Program Policies and Procedures
All departments with state-owned vehicles are subject to the campus motor vehicle inspection policy whether the department contracts with Facilities Services Fleet Services Department for services or an outside vendor.
Departments may procure vehicle maintenance and inspection services in a variety of approved methods:
- Facilities Operations in-house services on a recharge basis. Estimates will be provided in advance for all but emergency requests. If a department contracts with Facilities Services to satisfy compliance requirements, Facilities Services will assume responsibility for maintaining all required vehicle inspection reports and scheduled maintenance documentation.
- Approved campus contracted vendors under existing service agreements approved by Facilities Operations and Contracts & Procurement. For campus contracted vendor, proof of routine service performed will be forwarded by the service provider to Fleet Services.
- Other vendors may be used after performing the assessment below. If the estimate and scope are over $1500, approval must be obtained from the Supervising Fleet Services Mechanic in advance. If an outside vendor other than a campus contracted vendor is used, proof of routine services performed must be forwarded to the Campus Vehicle Fleet Administrator in Facilities Operations upon completion of work.
Facilities Services offers a gasoline fuel depot that is available for official campus vehicles 24 hours a day. The dispensing system utilizes Voyager State Fuel Cards, which are issued to campus departments with state vehicles.
Requests for a Voyager State Fuel Card with an assigned vehicle must be made by the RME to the attention of the Fleet Services Coordinator. Requests must be in writing and include the accounting chartfields to be associated with the charges to the card. Fuel cards are issued through the Fleet Services office Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Facilities Services also offers Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) dispensing. Individuals must be issued a key and be trained prior to using the LPG station. Keys and training are provided through the Fleet Services office Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Gasoline charged on the Corp Yard Fuel cards is recharged at current wholesale price plus a surcharge of $.62 per gallon, which covers the maintenance and regulatory costs associated with maintaining an on-campus fuel storage, dispensing, and accounting system. Historically fuel costs at our pump are $0.10 below public retail prices, but this is not always possible due to changes in delivered prices.
Requests for any new or replacement vehicles must be approved by the Dean or equivalent administrative officer and the Vice-President. Specifications for any new or replacement vehicles must be approved by the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (MVI) to insure they meet current inspection standards. Requests for new or replacement vehicles are to be sent to the Purchasing Department. Purchasing will obtain approval from the President.
In addition to the normal requirements for purchasing any kind of State personal property, the acquisition of new or used motor vehicles for campus use necessitates additional registration and certification procedures. These procedures are specified within the contents of the California Vehicle Code sections 4000-6100. It is also campus policy to purchase new vehicles utilizing State contracts negotiated by the Department of General Services (DGS) whenever it is practical. Exceptions may be made on the basis of an emergency or the availability of a more favorable price for a vehicle that closely approximates the specifications of the vehicle for which the State is under contract.
When a State contract is not used, vehicles shall be procured by a method that documents reasonableness of price. This may be via solicitation of bids, or by the use of reciprocal “cooperative” contracts executed by other governmental or public entities. All campus vehicle purchases where a State contract is not used must be approved by the Associate Vice President for Financial Management (Vehicle Code 4000-6200; CSU Policy 303.02; PSS 96-14, 96-14a).
Upon delivery of the vehicle, the Procurement Department will notify the Fleet Operations Coordinator of the purchase for inclusion in the campus vehicle inventory, which is the basis for scheduling all required motor vehicle inspections. The department Responsible Managing Employee (RME) will arrange for the disposal of campus vehicles, in cooperation with the Motor Vehicle Inspector (MVI), the university’s Purchasing Department, and in accordance with EO 691.
The criteria for vehicle disposal include:
- As a result of extensive unrepairable damage or cost-prohibitive repairs
- When the vehicle is no longer economically sustainable (life to date and/or single repair cost ≥ 50% of original purchase cost)
- When the vehicle is no longer required
- When programs downscale or shut down
In order to ensure new vehicles are tagged appropriately, please ensure the following guidelines are adhered to.
New vehicles labeling requirements include:
- Affix labels to all vehicles for notification of drivers of the correct fuel and oil for each vehicle, requirement for seat belt use and the no smoking regulation
- Notify Fleet Services Coordinator if additional labels are needed
- Label text is as follows:
- No Smoking in Vehicles
- Use seat belts if so equipped
- Report accidents immediately - SF State Public Safety (415) 338-7200
- Fuel: Unleaded Gas
- Engine Oil: SAE 30W
SF State is obligated to adhere to compliance monitoring practices, per CSU directives. The scope of compliance monitoring is indicated below.
- Safety and Smog Inspections: Status of department vehicles regarding safety inspections and smog inspections will be maintained via the online Fleet Inventory/Safety & Smog Inspection Schedule as a central point of control for purposes of compliance certification as per Executive Order 691.
- Vehicle History Files: Complete records of all automotive service expenses (repairs, inspections and maintenance, but not fuels and insurance) are kept in a vehicle service history file maintained by the Responsible Managing Employee (RME), separated and sorted by vehicle and made available for annual inspection.
- Daily Operator Inspections: CSU policy directs drivers to conduct a pre-trip visual inspection of the condition of the vehicle to include testing lights, brakes and other controls. Written certification of the daily operator inspections is to be completed each day and maintained by the RME for a period of 6 months. Drivers report deficiencies to the RME for correction.
- Trip Logs: Trip logs are to be used by departments as needed, such as to collect mileage information for scheduling maintenance.
Services to leased vehicles other than minor emergency services will not be provided by the campus Auto Shop. Please see current CSU policies stated in the handbook “Use of University and Private Vehicles-Policies and Regulations” regarding repairs to vehicles leased from the state pool. Inspection services required are obtained from the Department of General Services - Fleet Administration, (916) 327-2085.
The Auto Shop is available for emergency assistance for service vehicles blocking paths. Please contact the Customer Service Center at (415) 338-1568 for assistance.
Fleet Services' administrative services work recharge rates (being developed) cover the hours required per transaction for service, customer service, including scheduling, transporting vehicles and processing original bills and recharges. Recharge rates for the Auto Shop are recalculated annually to CSU audit standards and approved by the SF State Vice President and CFO.
Drivers involved in an accident are to report any vehicle accident to the State Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM) within 48 hours. Drivers should complete and submit the form STD 270 (Vehicle Accident Report) to their Supervisor and notify SF State Enterprise Risk Management at (415) 338-2565. If a police report was completed, provide the report number (not the report) with the STD 270.
If you are involved in a vehicle accident involving a rental car on State business, contact the SF State Enterprise Risk Management for assistance at (415) 338-2565.
Immediately report any bodily injury or significant property damage to the State Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM) by telephone at (916) 376-5300, by fax at (916) 376-5277 or by email at Weekend voicemail messages may be left at their toll-free phone number (800) 900-3634. All calls will be returned next business day.
Report all vehicle related accidents on the STD 270 – (Vehicle Accident Report), no matter how minor, and send your vehicle accident report to the SF State's Enterprise Risk Management in Administration 260.
The campus accidents and reporting program is administered by SF State's Enterprise Risk Management.
The campus Driver Safety Program is administered by SF State's Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). The program establishes policy and procedures governing employee use of privately and University owned vehicles for business purposes. The program has been implemented to ensure the safety of employees, students and the public and comply with CSU and California mandates. More information about the University’s Driver Safety Program, such as the authorization required prior to driving on University business, can be located at ERM's Driver Safety Program page.
As required by the CSU Use of University and Private Vehicles Policy Guidelines, a vehicle log must be maintained for all state-owned vehicles. This can be accomplished by keeping a log for check-in and check-out for vehicles with multiple drivers or by documenting specific driver use of a state-owned vehicle.
All documentation used to control and monitor the use of state-owned vehicles must be kept by the department for a period of 7 years after the disposal of a vehicle and furnished upon request.