Plumbing Shop


Peter Auth

Executive Director, Facilities Operations


Phone: (415) 338-2187

Library water fountain and bathroom



The Plumbing Shop is responsible for the maintenance upkeep of campus restroom plumbing and fixtures, building sewer and drain lines, water fountains and domestic hot and cold water systems throughout campus. The team of professionals ensures that all plumbing fixtures and pipes are installed and maintained according to building codes and safety requirements.


What We Do

The unit responds to customer requests that typically encompass:

  • Installation, repair or removal of plumbing fixtures throughout campus
  • Operations and maintenance of restroom equipment
  • Maintenance of emergency eyewash/showers
  • Maintenance and testing of sewer lift stations backflow devices


Request for Maintenance Service

If you are experiencing a maintenance-related problem, please contact the Facilities Services Customer Service Center (CSC) by one of the following methods:

  • Routine maintenance request for service should be submitted online via SF State FacilitiesLink
  • If you have an emergency maintenance problem, call the CSC directly at (415) 338-1568 or (415) 405-0579
    • Emergencies may include plumbing leak, overflowing water, a toilet or shower drain clog with no other bathroom available to you and/or water where it shouldn’t be