The Lock Shop provides responsive services associated with the installation, repair and replacement of a variety of mechanical and electric door operating and locking hardware throughout the campus.
What We Do
Services include but are not limited to:
- Repairing and maintaining existing locks, panic hardware and door closures for the campus
- Changing out locks and providing new keys when security requirements demand changes to locking systems
- Cutting keys for authorized customers
- Maintaining and installing local security alarms and key switches
- Installing door closers and doorstops
Note: The unlocking of general public areas, such as classrooms and buildings, is the responsibility of the San Francisco State University Police Department (UPD).
How to Request Keys and Building Access Cards
- For all key and building access card (keycard) requests, please submit a key request online via SF State FacilitiesLink
- For a step-by-step guide, please visit our How to Request Keys and Building Access Cards page
- All key and building access card (keycard) requests must be approved by the appropriate Key Approver
- The Facilities Services Customer Service Center (CSC) reviews and advances all requests for re-keys, key cutting and re-cuts prior to submission to the Lock Shop
- For additional information about how to submit a service request, please visit our Service Requests page
Pick Up of Key and Building Access Cards
- With the implementation of the Key Module, customers will now be notified via email once keys and/or building access cards (keycards) are ready for pick up
- Valid SF State ID or government issued photo identification is required at the time of pick up, and no other form of identification is accepted
- Only the requestor, key holder or designated approver can pick up requested keys and/or building access cards (keycards) from the CSC at Facilities Services located in Corporation Yard 102
- If the department would like to elect an alternate to pick up keys, a signed memo authorizing the alternate to do so must be presented at the time of pickup
- Pick up times for keys and building access cards (keycards) are from Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Staff and Faculty Clearance
- Separating staff or faculty must return all keys and building access cards (keycards) to the Facilities Services Customer Service Center (CSC) located in Corporation Yard 102 on or before their last day of work
Additional Information
- Loaning, lending or duplicating of keys is prohibited
- Lost/misplaced keys must be reported to the Facilities Services Customer Service Center immediately
- Persons in possession of unauthorized keys may be guilty of a misdemeanor as outlined in the California Penal Code Sec.469
Business Practice Directive
For more information regarding issuance and use of keys on campus, please visit the Key Management Policy page.
Frequently Asked Questions - Campus Keys
Classrooms are unlocked by custodians. Please call the Facilities Services Customer Service Center (CSC) if you require assistance. The CSC can be reached at (415) 338-1568.
Call the Facilities Services Customer Service Center at (415) 338-1568 to generate a work order for the locksmith to check the lock. To obtain a new key, contact the Customer Service Center to coordinate a return and obtain a replacement.
The key may be defective, i.e., a bad cut, worn or a burr on it. Contact the Facilities Services Customer Service Center to coordinate a key return and issuance of a new key.
The old key has to be returned. To obtain the new key, an online key request must be completed through SF State FacilitiesLink.
- Report the loss immediately to the Facilities Services Customer Service Center (CSC) at (415) 338-1568
- A Lost Property Report Form must be filed with UPD prior to submitting a replacement request to Facilities Services
- If you need replacement keys, please submit a key request online at SF State FacilitiesLink
Unfortunately, it is against University policy to issue duplicate keys to one individual. Too many keys invites security and safety risks. If your assistant needs a key, they will have to follow the normal procedure and have a key issued in their name.