2020 - Alerts and Outages Notifications

December 18 - 23, 2020: Campus Scheduled Generator Testing

Posted December 17, 2020 @ 2:54 p.m.:

Just a reminder that Facilities Services is required to conduct mandatory monthly testing of generators and automatic transfer switches. Testing is performed to simulate a power outage and to make sure buildings switch over to emergency generator power. This test may cause a brief loss of power for a fraction of seconds.

Facilities has scheduled the following generator testing between 7:15 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. on the dates and in the buildings listed below:

  • 12/18/2020 - Administration
  • 12/21/2020 - Hensill Hall/Thornton Hall
  • 12/22/2020 - Library
  • 12/23/2020 - Creative Arts, Humanities, and Cesar Chavez Student Center

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jason Deang at jdeang@sfsu.edu. The Facilities Service Desk can be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

December 7, 2020: Contractor Paving Work - Old ADM, HSS, HUM, FA, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Posted December 7, 2020 @ 11:17 a.m.:

Facilities is working with contractor Express Plumbing who will be back on-site today to finish resurfacing (paving) over underground piping repairs made over the last two weeks.

Express Plumbing will be working on campus from approximately 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. near Old Admin, HSS, Humanities, and Fine Arts.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chief Engineer Paul Sahota at paulsahota@sfsu.edu or Executive Director of Facilities Michael Sablich at msablich@sfsu.edu.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding during these repairs.

The service desk may be reached at facilities@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-1568.

Week of December 7, 2020: Campus Audible Fire Alarm - Schedule Reminder

Posted December 7, 2020 @ 10:58 a.m.:

Just a friendly reminder - Facilities has scheduled the following audible fire alarm tests below:

  • 12/8/2020 UPD and Corp Yard between 7:15 a.m. – 8 a.m.
  • 12/9/2020 Annex I and II between 7:15 a.m. – 8 a.m.
  • 12/10/2020 Fine Arts between 7:15 a.m. – 8 a.m.

Please note: Any security alarms and notification devices should be disarmed prior to the start of this test.

Feel free to contact Jason Deang at jdeang@sfsu.edu if you have any questions.

November 25, 2020: ADM Central Heating - Facilities Campus Update

Posted November 25, 2020 @ 3:13 p.m.:

Underground crews have replaced corroded piping and valves. The system has been refilled and is currently at operating temperature. With these repairs, we have restored central heating to the Administration building.

We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused, and we appreciate your patience and understanding at this time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chief Engineer Paul Sahota at paulsahota@sfsu.edu and/or Facilities Director Michael Sablich at msablich@sfsu.edu or (415) 481-2079. The Facilities Service Desk can be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

[2ND UPDATE] November 18, 2020: Heating and Hot Water Loop - Campus

Posted November 18, 2020 @ 10:38 a.m.:

The domestic hot water and heating have been restored to campus. Facilities staff has completed our final system checks and walkthroughs of the heating hot water system and temperatures across campus are stable and holding.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chief Engineer Paul Sahota at paulsahota@sfsu.edu.

The service desk can be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

[1ST UPDATE] November 18, 2020: Heating and Hot Water Loop - Campus

Posted November 18, 2020 @ 10:33 a.m.:

Facilities has completed the process of filling the heating hot water system. At the moment, we are not experiencing any leaks, and temperatures are rising. We will continue to monitor temperature rise across the campus. Facilities campus trades will complete additional diagnostic tests and walkthroughs of the entire system on Monday, 11/16/2020.

A follow up notice to confirm status of the system will be sent out on Monday following our checks.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and we appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Chief Engineer Paul Sahota at paulsahota@sfsu.edu. The service desk can be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

October 27, 2020: Monthly Generator and Transfer Switch Testing

Posted October 27, 2020 @ 1:42 p.m.:

Just a reminder that Facilities Services is required to conduct mandatory monthly testing of generators and automatic transfer switches. These tests will take place and be split across two days during the last week of every month, usually on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m..

Testing is performed to simulate a power outage and to make sure buildings switch over to emergency generator power.

Testing may cause a brief loss of power for a fraction of seconds in the buildings listed below:

  • Old Admin (computer room)
  • New Admin
  • Creative Arts
  • Humanities
  • Library
  • Thornton Hall
  • Hensill Hall
  • UPD / Corp Yard
  • Student Health Center
  • Portable Generator (not hooked up to any building)
  • Cesar Chavez Student Center

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Jason Deang at jdeang@sfsu.edu. The Facilities Services Desk can also be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding.

October 27, 2020: Campus Audible Fire Alarm/Generator Test Schedule

Posted October 27, 2020 @ 1:36 p.m.:

Facilities has scheduled the following audible fire alarm tests and generator testing between 7:15 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. on the days listed below: 

  • 10/27/2020 – Science
  • 10/28/2020 – Student Health Center (generator testing)
  • 10/29/2020 – Library (previously scheduled)
  • 11/03/2020 – HSS
  • 11/04/2020 – Central Plant
  • 11/05/2020 – Cesar Chavez Student Center
  • 11/10/2020 – Admin
  • 11/11/2020 – Annex 1 & 2
  • 11/12/2020 – Humanities
  • 11/17/2020 – Gym
  • 11/18/2020 – WH 82 (CSS warehouse by Cox Stadium) & AFH (Athletic Field House by Cox Stadium)
  • 11/19/2020 – Creative Arts
  • 11/24/2020 – Burk Hall
  • 11/25/2020 – Parking Lot 20 (generator testing)
  • 12/01/2020 – SSB
  • 12/03/2020 – Mashouf Wellness Center
  • 12/08/2020 – UPD & Corp Yard
  • 12/10/2020 – Fine Arts

Please note: Security alarms should be disarmed if there are any notification devices in rooms or offices or UPD will have to reset after the fire alarm tests have been completed. 

October 16 - 26, 2020: Heating and Hot Water Loop - Campus

Posted October 15, 2020 @ 1:28 p.m.:

Facilities has scheduled a campus-wide central heating, industrial hot water, and domestic hot water interruption. This scheduled outage is required in order to accommodate the tie-in of the central heating and hot water system for the new Creative Arts building.

The listed service interruption will begin tomorrow, October 16, 2020 @ 9:00 a.m.. We anticipate restoring service on Tuesday, October 26, 2020 by 9:00 a.m.. We will keep you informed of any additional updates as they occur.

Most non-residential buildings will experience a service disruption to their domestic hot water, industrial hot water, and space heating. However, the space heating service will not be interrupted in the following locations:

  • Housing Core
  • Annex 1 & 2
  • Greenhouses
  • Business
  • Animal Care Facility
  • Children’s Campus
  • AS Childcare Center

For any questions concerning the shutdown, please contact Chief Engineer Paul Sahota at paulsahota@sfsu.edu. If you have any project-related questions, please contact Director of Construction Services Boris Nemirovskiy at borisn@sfsu.edu.

The service desk can be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

September 16 - 18, 2020: Fire Alarm Testing - Village at Centennial Square A, B, & C, 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Posted September 14, 2020 @ 4:05 p.m.:

Please be advised that fire alarm system testing will take place in the Villages at Centennial Square Building A, B, & C beginning on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 and lasting through Friday, September 18, 2020 between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.. The listed buildings will experience audible and visual testing of the fire system during this time.

This is part of a preventative maintenance project.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding while this work is being performed.

The Facilities Service Center can be reached at (415) 405-0579 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

September 10, 2020: Hensill Hall - Audible Fire Test, 7:15 a.m.

Posted September 11, 2020 @ 8:07 a.m.:

An audible fire alarm test is scheduled for Thursday, 9/10/2020 in the Hensill Hall building around 7:15 a.m.. This test should last approximately 10 minutes.

Feel free to contact Jason Deang at jdeang@sfsu.edu if you have any questions.

September 3, 2020: Hensill Hall 3rd Floor Sliding Doors - Out of Service

Posted September 3, 2020 @ 11:22 a.m.:

The Hensill Hall sliding doors on the 3rd floor are out of service. Appropriate signage has been posted. Access to the Hensill Hall building from the 2nd floor near the bike barn is open and available. We have reached out to a 3rd party contractor for repairs and are currently waiting on a response. There is no estimated time for repairs but further updates will be provided as they become are available.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jason Deang at jdeang@sfsu.edu.

September 4, 2020: Ethnic Studies and Psychology Building - Audible Fire Test, 7:15 a.m.

Posted September 2, 2020 @ 11:47 p.m.:

An audible fire alarm test is scheduled for Friday, 09/04/2020 in the Ethnic Studies and Psychology building from 7:15 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.. Facilities kindly requests that any burglar alarms should be disabled prior to the test or UPD will have to reset them after the test has been completed.

Feel free to contact Jason Deang at jdeang@sfsu.edu if you have any questions.

September 2, 2020: Business Building - Audible Fire Test, 7:15 a.m.

Posted August 31, 2020 @ 3:40 p.m.:

An audible fire alarm test is scheduled for Wednesday, 09/02/2020 in the Business building around 7:15 a.m.. This test should last approximately an hour.

Feel free to contact Jason Deang at jdeang@sfsu.edu if you have any questions.

[Update] August 20, 2020: Creative Arts - Notice of Planned Electrical Outage, 7 a.m. - 9 a.m.

Posted August 20, 2020 @ 8:52 a.m.:

The power has been restored to the Creative Arts building. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Facilities Services Customer Service Desk at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding during these repairs.

August 24 - 27, 2020: Admin - Elevator Rope Replacement

Posted August 19, 2020 @ 2:24 p.m.:

Facilities has scheduled service with Thyssenkrupp Elevator to replace the elevator ropes in the Admin building. The elevator repair crew will be on-site on Monday, August 24, 2020 - Thursday, August 27, 2020 between 6 a.m. - 3 p.m.. Crews will take only one elevator out at a time to complete this re-rope repair. Elevator safety and reliability will improve with this update. An additional notification will be provided once this elevator is back in service.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Thyssenkrupp elevator technician Rodolfo Lopez at lopez.unit10@gmail.com.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding.

August 20, 2020: Creative Arts - Notice of Planned Electrical Outage, 7 a.m. - 9 a.m.

Posted August 19, 2020 @ 2:20 p.m.:

An electrical outage has been scheduled for Thursday, August 20, 2020 from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. for Creative Arts. This outage is needed in order to perform additional work to complete the tie-in of campus electrical power to the new Creative Arts (BECA) building. In the event that this outage will be terminated early, a notice will be provided once the power is back on.

The following building will be affected during this outage:

  • Creative Arts

For any questions or concerns, please contact Paul Sahota, Chief Engineer, at (415) 385-7133 or paulsahota@sfsu.edu. The Facilities Service Desk may be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.

August 18, 2020: Ethnic Studies and Psychology Elevator Project - Elevator Out of Service TBD

Posted August 18, 2020 @ 5:28 p.m.:

Please be advised that the Ethnic Studies and Psychology elevator will remain out of service as part of continued repairs by Kone Elevator and Eternal Construction. Unfortunately, we do not have an estimated date of completion.

An additional notice will be provided once this elevator is back in service.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Facilities Services Planning Projects Manager Anthony Benson at abenson@sfsu.edu.

Any staff/faculty who may be impacted by this are encouraged to speak with their supervisor, and for any special office accommodations, please contact the Disabilities Programs and Resource Center (DPRC) at dprc@sfsu.edu.

[CANCELED] August 14, 2020: Creative Arts - Notice of Planned Electrical Outage, 7 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Posted August 13, 2020 @ 11:12 a.m.:

Please be advised that the planned electrical outage for Creative Arts tomorrow on Friday, August 14, 2020 from 7 a.m. - 11 a.m. has been canceled. A new date will be scheduled and TBD.

August 14, 2020: Creative Arts - Notice of Planned Electrical Outage, 7 a.m. - 11 a.m.

Posted August 13, 2020 @ 11:12 a.m.:

An electrical outage has been scheduled for Friday, August 14, 2020 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. for Creative Arts. This outage is needed in order to perform additional work to complete the tie-in of campus electrical power to the new Creative Arts (BECA) building. In the event that this outage will be terminated early, a notice will be provided once the power is back on.

The following building will be affected during this outage:

  • Creative Arts

For any questions or concerns, please contact Paul Sahota, Chief Engineer, at (415) 385-7133 or paulsahota@sfsu.edu. The Facilities Service Desk may be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

August 10, 2020: Ethnic Studies and Psychology - Crane Work, 5 a.m. - 9 a.m.

Facilities has scheduled crane work on Monday, August 10, 2020 from 5 a.m. - 9 a.m. with Sheedy Crane to remove elevator equipment from the roof of the Ethnic Studies and Psychology building. The crane will be staged on the south side of the Ethnic Studies main entrance.

There are two alternate paths available during this crane work.

  • The back road behind Ethnic Studies between Ethnic Studies and the Gym
  • The path through the Burk Hall courtyard

It is a safety requirement that there is no building occupancy in the Ethnic Studies and Psychology building during crane operation.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Anthony Benson at (415) 680-4707 or abenson@sfsu.edu.

August 5, 2020: Admin Sliding Doors - West Side, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Posted August 3, 2020 @ 12:56 p.m.:

A 3rd party contractor (Capital Doors) is scheduled to replace the west side exterior doors in the Administration building on Wednesday, August 5, 2020. The contractor should be working between the hours of 7 a.m. - 3 p.m., and we anticipate that the installation should be completed the same day. The ADA-accessible ramp on the east side will still be available during this install.

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Bennett at crbeno@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-3937.

August 3 - 14, 2020: Dining Center Crossroads - Construction Activity

Posted August 3, 2020 @ 12:48 p.m.:

Eternal Construction will be performing roof repairs for the Dining Center and will begin August 3, 2020 to August 14, 2020. The Dining Center's main entrance will remain open during the roof repairs. The second set of doors further east will remain closed. The air handling unit above the roof will be deactivated to minimize dust and odor intrusion during the roof repairs. There will be some noise generated on the roof with air compressors, leaf blowers, machine-driven fasteners, and rolled-on low VOC adhesives for applying the vertical single-ply roof membrane.

The pathway towards the Dining Center will be partially blocked off in the morning hours between 7 a.m. - 10 a.m. or earlier for loading of materials onto the roof with a truck-mounted hoist. The area around the truck will be caution taped off.

There are two alternate paths available during these repairs:

  • The first alternative is to approach the Dining Center from the Mary Ward Hall pathway to bypass the loading and unloading area 
  • The second alternative is to approach the Dining Center from the north side in Lot 19 through the stairs between 7 Hills Conference Center and Children’s Center

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact John Lew at johnlew@sfsu.edu or Doug Londgren at londgren@sfsu.edu.

July 31, 2020: Children's Campus - Domestic Cold Water Shutdown, 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.

Posted July 30, 2020 @ 3:14 p.m.:

A planned domestic cold-water outage has been scheduled for Friday, July 31, 2020 from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. in the Children’s Campus on North State Drive. This outage is required in order to isolate a leak in Waste Management.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Paul Sahota, Chief Engineer, at (415) 385-7133 or paulsahota@sfsu.edu.  The Facilities Service Desk may be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.

July 29, 2020: Creative Arts - Notice of Planned Electrical Outage, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Posted July 24, 2020 @ 9:25 a.m.:

An electrical outage has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 29, 2020 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. for Creative Arts. This outage is required in order to complete the tie-in of campus electrical power to the new Creative Arts (BECA) building. In the event that this outage will be terminated early, a notice will be provided once the power is back on.

The following building will be affected during this outage:

  • Creative Arts

For any questions or concerns, please contact Paul Sahota, Chief Engineer, at (415) 385-7133 or paulsahota@sfsu.edu. The Facilities Service Desk may be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding.

July 10, 2020: Notice of Planned Electrical Outage, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Posted June 26, 2020 @ 7:21 p.m.:

A planned electrical outage to the following campus buildings listed below is scheduled for Friday, July 10, 2020 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.. This outage is required to switch the campus electrical power over to the new Creative Arts (BECA) building.

The following buildings will be affected during this outage:

  • Village at Centennial Square (VCS) - A, B, C
  • Dining Center
  • Mary Park Hall (MPH)
  • Mary Ward Hall (MWH)
  • Early Childhood Education Center
  • Business (BUS)
  • Health & Social Sciences (HSS)
  • Gym
  • Ethnic Studies & Psychology
  • Creative Arts (CA)
  • Fine Arts (FA)
  • Burk Hall (BH)
  • Humanities (HUM)

This is a CPDC project coordinated in conjunction with Facilities Services. For any questions or concerns, please contact Boris Nemirovskiy, Director of Construction, at (628) 256-5604. The Facilities Service Desk may be reached at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

May 28 - 29, 2020 & June 1 - 5, 2020: Hensill Hall - Fire Caulking, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Posted May 28, 2020 @ 9:31 a.m.:

Facilities has scheduled service with a vendor (Aztec Construction) to repair fire caulking in the Hensill Hall building. The contracted work will take place today and tomorrow, Thursday, May 28, 2020 & Friday, May 2020 between 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.. This work will resume again next week from Monday, June 1, 2020 to Friday, June 5, 2020 from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.. This service is to address and correct a State Fire Marshal violation. Fire and Life Safety Manager David Abordo and Facilities Project Planning Manager Anthony Benson will be on-site escorting the vendor and providing access. All contracted and Facilities staff will be wearing personal protective equipment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact David Abordo at dabordo@sfsu.edu.

June 1 - 3, 2020: Hensill Hall - Fire Smoke Damper Inspection

Posted May 26, 2020 @ 4:19 p.m.:

Facilities will continue the final phase of fire damper inspections in Hensill Hall. The inspections will take place from Monday, June 1, 2020 to Wednesday, June 3, 2020 between 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.. Fire and Life Safety Manager David Abordo and Facilities Project Planning Manager Anthony Benson will be on-site escorting the vendor and providing access.

The fire alarm system for Hensill Hall will be placed on test between the hours listed above and will be monitored by Facilities staff.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact David Abordo at dabordo@sfsu.edu.

May 26 - 29, 2020: Admin - Fire Chaulking Repair, 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Posted May 26, 2020 @ 4:13 p.m.:

Facilities is continuing the fire chaulking service with Aztec Construction in the Admin building. The contracted work will resume Tuesday, May 26, 2020 to Friday, May 29, 2020 between 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.. Fire and Life Safety Manager David Abordo and Facilities Project Planning Manager Anthony Benson will be on-site escorting the vendor and providing access.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact David Abordo at dabordo@sfsu.edu.

May 21 - 22, 2020: Admin - Fire Chaulking Repair, 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Posted May 22, 2020 @ 11:55 a.m.:

Facilities has scheduled service with a vendor (Aztec Construction) to repair fire chaulking in the Admin building. The contracted work will take place on Thursday, May 21, 2020 and Friday, May 22, 2020 between 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.. This service is to address and correct a State Fire Marshal violation. Fire and Life Safety Manager David Abordo and Facilities Project Planning Manager Anthony Benson will be on-site escorting the vendor and providing access.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact David Abordo at dabordo@sfsu.edu.

May 26, 2020 - August 14, 2020: Ethnic Studies and Psychology Building Elevator Project - Out of Service

Posted May 15, 2020 @ 1:10 p.m.:

Please be advised that the Ethnic Studies and Psychology elevator will be out of service starting Tuesday, May 26, 2020 through Friday, August 14, 2020 for a scheduled modernization project by Kone Elevator and Eternal Construction. The contracted work to be performed is scheduled for Monday - Friday from 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.. Elevator reliability will improve with this update. An additional notification will be provided once this elevator is back in service.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Facilities Services Planning Projects Manager Anthony Benson at abenson@sfsu.edu.

We apologize for the inconvenience and for any staff/faculty who may be impacted by this are encouraged to speak with their supervisor and for any special office accommodations, please contact DPRC at dprc@sfsu.edu.

May 4 - 6, 2020: Hensill Hall - Fire Smoke Damper Inspection, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Posted May 1, 2020 @ 3:40 p.m.:

Facilities has scheduled service with a vendor (Prevent Life Safety Services) to inspect fire smoke dampers in the Hensill Hall building. The inspection will take place from Monday, May 4, 2020 - Wednesday, May 6, 2020 between 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.. This inspection is to address and correct a State Fire Marshal violation. Fire and Life Safety Manager David Abordo and Facilities Project Planning Manager Anthony Benson will be on-site escorting the vendor and providing access.

The fire alarm system for Hensill Hall will be placed on test between these hours and will be monitored by Facilities staff during the times listed above.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact David Abordo at dabordo@sfsu.edu.

April 13 - 27, 2020: Campus-Wide Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspections, 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Posted April 10, 2020 @ 4:26 p.m.:

The Fire and Life Safety Manager David Abordo and vendor (Ace Fire Equipment & Service) will be conducting annual fire extinguisher inspections. Please be aware the inspections are throughout the entire campus. We will be checking for outdated fire extinguishers and replacing them as needed. Inspections will begin Monday, April 13, 2020 through April 27, 2020 during regular business hours between 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.. All inspection staff will be wearing personal protective equipment.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact David Abordo at dabordo@sfsu.edu.

April 2, 2020: Hensill Hall 3rd Floor Sliding Doors Out of Service 

Posted April 3, 2020 @ 8:52 a.m.:

The Hensill Hall sliding doors on the 3rd floor are out of service and signage has been posted. Access to the Hensill Hall building from the 2nd floor near the bike barn is open and available. We have reached out to a 3rd party contractor for repairs and are currently waiting on a response. There is no estimated time for repairs but further updates will be provided as they become available.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jason Deang at jdeang@sfsu.edu.

March 19, 2020: Science Building - No Heat

Posted March 10, 2020 @ 5:40 p.m.:

Today a significant Central Plant Heating Hot Water (HHW) leak in the underground supply piping to the Science building (SCI) was discovered. Facilities Services was able to isolate and stop the leak by shutting off the valve to SCI only. This shutdown will affect the heating ambient temperature in the Science building.

All other campus buildings served by Central Plant HHW are presently on-line.

Facilities Services staff are actively working toward repairing the damage and restoring SCI HHW as soon as possible under current COVID-19 conditions and limitations.

If you have any questions and concerns, please contact Senior Director of Facilities Operations Michael Sablich at msablich@sfsu.edu.

We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Additional updates will be provided once available.

March 5, 2020: Advisory - Info About COVID-19

Posted March 5, 2020 @ 3:48 p.m.:

For more information about COVID-19 and SF State's response, please visit https://news.sfsu.edu/coronavirus.

[UPDATE] February 27, 2020: Burk Hall Elevator #3

Posted February 27, 2020 @ 12:33 p.m.:

Burk Hall Elevator # 3 is back in service.

February 27, 2020: Burk Hall Elevator #3 - Out of Service

Posted February 27, 2020 @ 9:27 a.m.:

Burk Hall Elevator # 3 is currently out of service. Burk Hall Elevators 1 and 2 are still available for use during this outage. Out of order signage has been posted. We hope to have this elevator back up and running today; however we are currently waiting for parts.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding during these repairs. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jason Deang at jdeang@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-1863.

[UPDATE] January 25 - 26, 2020: Business Building - Roof/Drain Replacement

Posted January 24, 2020 @ 3:04 p.m.:

Additional roof work will be performed by Western Roofing tomorrow, Saturday, January 25, 2020 and Sunday, January 26, 2020 between 7 a.m. - 5 p.m..

There is a chance that this work may be canceled due to inclement weather conditions.

 If you have any questions, please contact Chris Bennett at crbeno@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-3937.

[UPDATE] January 17, 2020: Creative Arts - Domestic Water Leak

Posted January 17, 2020 @ 3:18 p.m.:

There was an issue involving a domestic water leak for the Creative Arts building on Tuesday, January 14, 2020. As of Thursday, January 16, 2020, this issue has been repaired.

If you have any questions about the repairs or this issue, please contact Paul Sahota at paulsahota@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-7251.

January 18, 2020: Ethnic Studies and Psychology Building - Crane Work, 5 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Posted January 15, 2020 @ 4:56 p.m.:

Crane staged between Ethnic Studies and Psychology and Burk Hall

This Saturday, January 18, 2020 from 5 a.m. - 5 p.m., Facilities has scheduled crane work in the Ethnic Studies and Psychology building. The crane will be staged between the Ethnic Studies and Psychology building and Burk Hall as indicated in the photo above.

This project involves lifting elevator machinery to the roof of the Ethnic Studies and Psychology building.

It is a safety requirement that there is no building occupancy in the Ethnic Studies and Psychology building during crane operation.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Anthony Benson at (415) 680-4707 or abenson@sfsu.edu.

[UPDATE] January 13 - 20, 2020: No Heat in Creative Arts

Posted January 15, 2020 @ 10:46 a.m.:

The floor sealing work for Creative Arts has been canceled at this time. The heating system is enabled campus-wide.

If you experience any problems, please call the Facilities Service Desk at (415) 338-1568 or facilities@sfsu.edu.

January 15, 2020: Cox Stadium/Bike Path Partial Road Closure, 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. 

Posted January 15, 2020 @ 8:57 a.m.:

The scheduled tree removal for today has been canceled. Additional info to follow once a new date is determined.

January 14 - 15, 2020: Business Building - Roof/Drain Replacement

Posted January 13, 2020 @ 11:05 a.m.:

Please be advised that Western Roofing is scheduled to demo and replace a portion of the Business building roof and drains. Work is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January14, 2020 or Wednesday, January 15, 2020 between 7 a.m. - 5 p.m..

A manual lift will be staged on the west-side of the building facing the quad. We anticipate this work to last at least up to 10 working days.

There is a chance that this work may be canceled due to inclement weather conditions.

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Bennett at crbeno@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-3937.

January 13 - 21, 2020: No Heat in Creative Arts

Posted January 13, 2020 @ 10:57 a.m.:

Facilities will be shutting down the heat to the Creative Arts building starting today Monday, January 13, 2020 in order to prep for a floor sealant job. We anticipate the heat to be restored by Wednesday, January 22, 2020.

We apologize for the inconvenience and short notice and appreciate your patience and understanding during these repairs.

If you have any questions, please contact Chief Engineer Paul Sahota at paulsahota@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-7251.

January 15, 2020: Cox Stadium/Bike Path Partial Road Closure, 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. 

Posted January 10, 2020 @ 2:52 p.m.:

Grounds map indicating road closure

Please be advised that the access road leading towards Cox Stadium will be temporarily blocked off on Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 from 6 a.m. – 2 p.m.. The Grounds crew will be removing a Eucalyptus tree along the pathway. There may be some noise from the chipper during the times listed above; however our Grounds team will minimize usage as best as we can.

Service vehicles using the service road inside COX are advised to use the access road through Maloney Field as an alternate route.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause and urge the campus community to follow posted signage.

The contact information for this work is Robert Murphy at robertnmurphy@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-6071.

January 14 - 15, 2020: Admin Sliding Doors - West Side, 7 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Posted January 9, 2020 @ 3:56 p.m.:

A 3rd party contractor (Capital Doors) is scheduled to replace the west side exterior doors on Tuesday, January 14, 2020. The contractor should be working between the hours of 7 a.m. - 3 p.m., and we anticipate that the installation may take up to 2 days.

Facilities staff will be on-site with the contractor. The ADA accessible ramp on the east side will still be available during this install.

If you have any questions, please contact Chris Bennett at crbeno@sfsu.edu or (415) 338-3937.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and understanding.

January 10, 2020: 200-260, 270-292, 330-372, 255-265, 285-295 Buckingham Way, Housing Maintenance Shops, & Lot 25 (Lighting Only), Planned Electrical Service Interruption, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Posted January 7, 2020 @ 2:57 p.m.:

Please be advised that an all-day electrical outage is taking place on Friday, January 10, 2020 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. in the following locations:

  • 200-260 Buckingham Way
  • 270-292 Buckingham Way
  • 330-372 Buckingham Way
  • 255-265 Buckingham Way
  • 285-295 Buckingham Way
  • Housing Maintenance Shops
  • Lot 25 (Only lighting will be affected by this outage at this location)

The addresses listed above will not have electricity during this time; however 255-265 and 285-295 will be supported by generator power.

There is a chance that this outage may be canceled due to inclement weather conditions.

This outage is due to planned PG&E maintenance work in the area.

If you have any questions, please contact the Facilities Services Customer Service Center at facilities@sfsu.edu or (415) 405-0579.

Elevator Updates

Week Ending in December 18, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in December 11, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in December 4, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in November 27, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in November 20, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in November 13, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in November 6, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in October 30, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in October 23, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in October 16, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in October 9, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in October 2, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Mary Park Hall, Elevator #2

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in September 25, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Towers at Centennial Square #3

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in September 18, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Corporation Yard/CPDC Elevator

Issue: Out of service


Location: Towers at Centennial Square #3

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in September 4, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in August 28, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in August 21, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in August 14, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in August 7, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in July 31, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Village at Centennial Square A1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in July 24, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in July 17, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in July 10, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in July 3, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in June 26, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in June 19, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in June 12, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in June 5, 2020

Location: Cesar Chavez Student Center, Elevator #3

Issue: Out of service


Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Village at Centennial Square A

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in May 29, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Village at Centennial Square A

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in May 22, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Village at Centennial Square A

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in May 15, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service


Location: Village at Centennial Square A

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in May 8, 2020

Location: Fine Arts, Elevator #1

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in May 1, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in April 24, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in April 17, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in April 10, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in April 3, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in March 27, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in March 20, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in March 13, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in March 6, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in February 28, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in February 21, 2020

All systems are operational at this time.

Week Ending in February 14, 2020

Location: Towers Centennial Square, Elevator #3

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in February 7, 2020

Location: Towers Centennial Square, Elevator #3

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in January 31, 2020

Location: Towers Centennial Square, Elevator #3

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in January 24, 2020

Location: Towers Centennial Square, Elevator #3

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in January 17, 2020

Location: Towers Centennial Square, Elevator #3

Issue: Out of service

Week Ending in January 10, 2020

Location: Towers Centennial Square, Elevator #3

Issue: Out of service

Estimated time of repair: No ETA at this time

Week Ending in January 3, 2020

Location: Towers Centennial Square, Elevator #3

Issue: Out of service

Estimated time of repair: No ETA at this time


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